What is the idea for your documentary? Idea idea for my documentary four culture in a digital age is the idea of how symptoms are becoming more and more easy to create due to how technology is advancing rapidly and how some films made with extremely low budgets are being seen as better than films with ones in the millions. Ideas on content structure, sound, cinematography and mise en scene? For cinematography I want to create a nice looking orange glow to the documentary to show that it’s it’s welcoming welcoming and warm instead of cold. for Mise en scène keeping with the cinematography of warm colour tones I want to shoot it in my own room to show comparison between myself being able to create films and how a comedian is able to create an entire special called inside which was a Netflix special that won lots and lots of awards for being creative both in story wise and also through the cinematography being very colourful and bright but also very dark and depressing despite it sti...