In the beginning I started by first researching into the BBC and BBC three as that was the Channel/network I was creating my documentary for. I was instructed to create a 15 minute documentary or more around culture in a digital age The first thing I thought of was how technology has made it more than ever easier to create films. This became my idea for the documentary and I continue to make surveys so I could find out my general target audience and the social grade of my target audience. After this I made a rational which I would sure to my classmate and audience showing my idea for the documentary to them and getting feedback from them. At this time I also began researching into different media forms of documentaries and which one I would want to adopt in my version of the documentary for culture in a digital age and I also researched into three other documentaries that I would want to adapt similar things from them into mine. Preproduction Preproduction I began creating a...