

 In the beginning I started by first researching into the BBC and BBC three as that was the Channel/network I was creating my documentary for. I was instructed to create a 15 minute documentary or more around culture in a digital age The first thing I thought of was how technology has made it more than ever easier to create films. This became my idea for the documentary and I continue to make surveys so I could find out my general target audience and the social grade of my target audience. After this I made a rational which I would sure to my classmate and audience showing my idea for the documentary to them and getting feedback from them. At this time I also began researching into different media forms of documentaries and which one I would want to adopt in my version of the documentary for culture in a digital age and I also researched into three other documentaries that I would want to adapt similar things from them into mine. Preproduction  Preproduction I began creating a...

Documentary Final Product + feedback

  Draft Documentary - YouTube It seems that nobody agrees that The improvements to the documentary have worsened the experience but have either not changed much in some peoples eyes but in some others changed it for way better.

Documentary draft + Feedback

  Draft Documentary - YouTube

Post production

  Documentary Post Production Explanation of techniques used - YouTube


Production In the production stage of creating the documentary I had to use many bits of technology and software in able to both capture video and audio effectively. All of the devices shown below are the said bits of technology and software: iPhone 11 First off I decided to use my iPhone 11 to record myself  to give the documentary a visual of me for when I am talking. when recording I set it to record in 60fps and 1080p. Recording in 60fps (which is short for frames per second) allows in post the motion of everything in frame to be much smoother and makes it more appealing. Although the standard for film is 24 frames per second I believed through testing out all 24 frames per second, 30 frames per second and 60 frames per second that 60 frames per second with the easiest on the eyes and the best for the documentary.  Having being shot in 1080p aka full HD resolution (which is short for 1920x1080) the video quality, which is the standard for films and entertainment as anythin...


Risk Assessment Location Scouting Sheet Screenplay/Script Storyboard


What is the idea for your documentary? Idea idea for my documentary four culture in a digital age is the idea of how symptoms are becoming more and more easy to create due to how technology is advancing rapidly and how some films made with extremely low budgets are being seen as better than films with ones in the millions.  Ideas on content structure, sound, cinematography and mise en scene? For cinematography I want to create a nice looking orange glow to the documentary to show that it’s it’s welcoming welcoming and warm instead of cold. for Mise en scène keeping with the cinematography of warm colour tones I want to shoot it in my own room to show comparison between myself being able to create films and how a comedian is able to create an entire special called inside which was a Netflix special that won lots and lots of awards for being creative both in story wise and also through the cinematography being very colourful and bright but also very dark and depressing despite it sti...