
 In the beginning I started by first researching into the BBC and BBC three as that was the Channel/network I was creating my documentary for. I was instructed to create a 15 minute documentary or more around culture in a digital age The first thing I thought of was how technology has made it more than ever easier to create films. This became my idea for the documentary and I continue to make surveys so I could find out my general target audience and the social grade of my target audience. After this I made a rational which I would sure to my classmate and audience showing my idea for the documentary to them and getting feedback from them. At this time I also began researching into different media forms of documentaries and which one I would want to adopt in my version of the documentary for culture in a digital age and I also researched into three other documentaries that I would want to adapt similar things from them into mine.


Preproduction I began creating a script for my documentary which would help me know the whole story of what I wanted to tell during the documentary along with a storyboard which would help me visualise what I wanted for the documentary when the production process began. Also in the preproduction stage I began working on location scouting forms along with risk assessment forms which would help me have a more professional practice at making a real documentary.


During production I began to film the documentary by using an iPhone 11 and a tripod and I would catch our audio from the microphone that I own. This was all done at home which allowed me to spend as much time as I wanted perfecting everything I wanted to say in the way that I wanted everything to be conveyed. I also used software to help me capture the best audio possible for the documentary through my microphone which was both OBS studio which helped me capture the visuals of the documentary along with irion webcam which helped me broadcast my phone camera to the computer so I could record it with OBS studio.

Post production 

In postproduction I began using Adobe premiere pro to edit all of The audio and video from the production stage of the project. I began creating first draft of the documentary I would build off in the future for the final product. The final product included many more features as there was more B roll which would help the documentary not become stale and boring to watch. Used out of techniques that I had learned by myself bye using Premier Premier in my own time such as low pass filters that go on music that would go behind me talking so then it wasn’t too loud and would obstruct my What is and what I was saying. When posting these documentaries I post the temples in 1080p which is the standard for video quality site for key which most people wouldn’t be able to take advantage off because they do not have 4K displays anyway. 

In conclusion

In conclusion I feel making all of the documentary went very well and I didn’t have any major hic ups as everything went very well and it was nice to do a documentary test on filmmaking as it was a field in which I know a lot about.
